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Turning the Tide

 Turning the Tide The north-west frontier of the Roman Empire for 50 years from the 160s AD was Hadrian's Wall. To the north, forts stretched as far as Newstead on the Tweed, which extended Roman surveillance, while treaties with the Caledonians brought their influence to the edge of the Highlands and even into that great wilderness. The tribes had submitted reluctantly to Roman domination, and the peace of the northern frontier was broken on several occasions. In 208, the situation was so serious the presence of Emperor Septimius Severus himself was required as the Caledonians and the Macatae (whose name appears to survive in Dum Myot and Myot Hill near Stirling) fought a guerrilla campaign. Although eventually the Caledonians were forced to sue for peace it was not long before they were rebelling again. Severus, now terminally ill, sent his elder son, Caracalla, to bring the northern tribes to heel, but with the announcement of his the death in York, on February 4, 211, Gialla br